Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Robin Hood

This story I came across while trying to type out a story that required the characters speaking in Old-English (which, by the way, is harder than it may seem) so there I was skimming through the old, dusty book, and I found myself intrigued and ended up reading it from beginning to end. It was a bit drier than I thought it'd be, but it was a favorite of my dad's and I just had to finish it.

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Summary: The book follows Robin Hood on his quest to help the poor of Nottingham. Based off of old English folk-lore.

There are no official reviews seeing as there are many versions of the story, all of which are based off of the old English legends.

My Review: I found it intriguing. I'll admit it was kind of dry, but I overall, I'm glad I read it. It led to many possible story ideas, and Robin Hood is a classic. I had to read it. I'll admit that there were parts in the version I read that bothered me however (SPOILER WARNING!!! for example, Robin meets Maid Marian in one chapter and doesn't see her again until almost the last chapter where he marries her, also, he asks Friar Tuck to join him, and he isn't mentioned again.). I liked it though. It has you rooting for Robin the entire time and though I was ready to move on having taken a month to read it, I was truly sad to come to the end of it. Five stars all the way. An amazing piece.

As I always say, I need help. Starting a reading revolution is harder than it seems. So come on, don't be shy, and tell me what you think. Help start the reading revolution.

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